Career Exploration Mini-Grants available for middle schools
RIDE is launching a new Career Exploration Grant for interested middle schools to support and accelerate the integration of career exploration activities with existing learning experiences for all students in grades 6 to 8.
RIDE will award grants on a competitive basis to LEAs for new or existing middle school career exploration activities in an effort to create a portfolio of models of career exploration that is integrated into core content and is developed and/or adapted in partnership with industry representatives. Successful Career Exploration Grants will:
Embed hands-on career exploration activities into existing curriculum, allowing for students to see increased relevance of their education;
Support the development of and/or adapt activities in partnership between school and industry representatives;
Ensure the sustainability of career exploration efforts in a school by integrating into the school curriculum, rather than establishing separate career exploration time - this may include the integration of afterschool time if there are clear and sustainable connections to student coursework; and,
Provide trusted peer-to-peer resources that increase school buy-in for adoption.
The Career Exploration Grant application deadline is February 28, 2019. A minimum of 35 Career Exploration mini-grants will be awarded; the total number will be determined by the number of schools that apply and meet the criteria. For questions, please email